B2B Digital Marketing Pricing

Pricing Pricing

Invest in Professional Marketing

To drive ROI for your startup

We know how to help startups succeed in the competitive and dynamic world of digital marketing. At Glorium Marketing, we stand out as one of the few agencies offering transparent and flat pricing plans, ensuring complete clarity in your marketing investments.

We have developed pricing packages that suit different stages and needs of your startup journey. You can pick the one that fits your budget and goals, or we can create a custom solution just for you.

Monthly Cost
Ads budget is not included
Preparation Phase
Inital Brand Awareness
Book a Call
Omnichannel Strategies
Lead Generation
Book a Call
Sustainable Growth
Demand Development
Book a Call
Content Marketing
Email Marketing
Digital PR
Video Marketing
Shared PM
Market Fit
Monthly Articles
Content Distribution
Shared CMO
Weekly Articles
Media Publishing
Dedicated CMO
Advanced Strategy
Posts + Ads
+ Bulk Email Campaigns
+ Influence Marketing
ASO Marketing
Services Detalization
Preparation Phase
Inital Brand Awareness
Book a Call
Shared PM
Market Fit
Content Marketing
Monthly Articles
Content Distribution
Services Detalization
Omnichannel Strategies
Lead Generation
Book a Call
Shared CMO
Content Marketing
Weekly Articles
Email Marketing
Digital PR
Media Publishing
Services Detalization
Sustainable Growth
Demand Development
Book a Call
Dedicated CMO
Advanced Strategy
Content Marketing
Posts + Ads
Email Marketing
+ Bulk Email Campaigns
Digital PR
+ Influence Marketing
Video Marketing
ASO Marketing
Services Detalization
Custom Plan
Book a Call

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Diverse Digital Marketing Skillset

Get Access to Diverse Digital Marketing Skills

No matter your pricing package, you’ll get access to a team of skilled and experienced marketers. Our team can handle all aspects of your marketing strategy, from project management to social media marketing, content marketing, search engine optimization, email marketing, and more.

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Contact us today, tell us about your business, and receive a customized growth strategy. We will schedule a 1-hour free consultation with you and provide the approximate scope of the project. Leave your marketing to us!
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Frequently Asked Questions

Can I switch from one package to another?

Our digital marketing agency pricing model allows switching from one package to another easily. The process typically occurs organically based on the need to either expand or streamline marketing activities. For example, the Ignition plan serves as a temporary solution, focused on the preparation phase, and as your marketing efforts grow, there might be a requirement to upgrade to a different package. We evaluate each case individually, always striving to align with our client’s specific needs and expectations.

What is the minimum timeframe for the standard contract?

For most cases, we sign a 6-month contract, as this timeframe allows us to implement and execute omnichannel strategies that yield noticeable growth results. However, we may offer a 12-month contract for more advanced and comprehensive projects to ensure sufficient time for optimal outcomes.

Are the pricing plans inclusive of ad budgets?

Our digital marketing agency pricing plans only cover the cost of execution. Any external expenses, such as PPC ads, paid guest posting and other platform fees, are charged separately depending on the project’s complexity and specifications. The client’s preferences for the speed and scale of the activities may also influence these expenses.

Can you promote two or more projects/sites within one digital marketing pricing plan?

Each pricing plan corresponds to one project, focusing on promoting a single product within a specific market niche. However, there are instances where you don’t need to multiply the monthly cost by the number of projects. For example, if you have a stand-alone feature that can be promoted as part of the general product. Please contact us for the details.

Do I get a dedicated digital marketing project manager?

You will be assigned a shared or 100% dedicated project manager based on the selected pricing plan and your specific requirements. This individual will be responsible for strategic and tactical planning, as well as project coordination. Regardless of the scenario, you can expect a skilled professional with ample management experience. The level of the project manager, whether middle or senior, will be determined based on your unique needs and resources.

A Comprehensive Guide to Digital Marketing Services Budgeting

One thing all business owners know for sure is that there is no success without an effective digital marketing strategy. Small, medium, and large companies pay thousands of dollars monthly to take care of search engine optimization, paid advertising, experiment with different digital marketing strategies, and more.

According to Backlinko’s Click Through Rate report, companies can increase their CTR by 32% by moving up one position in search engine results. Additionally, we learn that the digital marketing and advertising market is forecasted to hit $1.5 by 2030; however, despite companies’ marketing efforts, over 90% of content gets 0 Google traffic, indicating that businesses need better digital marketing strategies.

That’s why it’s essential to draft an adequate budget, prepare your team, and collaborate with a digital marketing agency. In this guide, we’ll explore all the dos and don’ts of digital marketing budgeting.

Why Is Marketing Budget Essential?

Marketing budgeting is an indispensable tool in the overall business growth and achievement of any organization’s goals and objectives. It helps in the proper distribution of resources to different marketing activities so that businesses can communicate with their target audience. Thus, the budget outline allows the company to control its marketing activities and achieve the desired results with minimal costs and maximal effects. A properly developed budget filters the activities that add the most value to the company and makes sure every spent dollar is useful for the company’s goals.

Having a budget for your digital marketing efforts can help you monitor the progress of your marketing activities. Having a budget enables you to control your business expenses and check the effectiveness of the campaigns. This method assists in determining the effectiveness of certain strategies and the need for changes.

Additionally, budgeting helps you report your efforts and their necessity to management and stakeholders. It provides a foundation and goals for the marketing team and establishes the marketing team’s objectives in relation to the company’s financial strategy. Thus, a budget is not only a financial instrument but a managerial resource that determines a company’s further development.

Benefits of proper budgeting

As we already discussed, marketing budgeting is a practical financial and managerial instrument. Whether you’re running a startup, a small business, or a large enterprise, a well-defined budget can significantly improve your ability to plan, execute, and assess your efforts.

Let’s explore some of the benefits of digital marketing budgeting:

  • Improved financial management: Budgeting can help you manage resources and avoid wastage of funds
  • Improved decision-making: You can monitor the company’s financial health, which enables you to make informed and data-focused decisions
  • Seamless performance monitoring: Budgeting helps you monitor the performance of your efforts, allowing you to make decisions about adjustments
  • Transparency: A well-structured budget sets clear financial expectations for all company departments, which encourages disciplined spending
  • Strategic planning and growth: Resourceful allocation of funds and efforts can guide your company toward higher success

10 Key Components of Effective Budgeting

Now that we know what benefits marketing budgeting brings, we can continue exploring some of its essential components.

Clearly defined objectives and goals

Have you heard about the SMART goals? The acronym SMART stands for “Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound.” You can use this goal-drafting method to guide your budgeting process and ensure your budget lines up with your company’s strategic priorities, including the use of digital marketing tools and strategies for both paid search and organic search results.

Detailed revenue projections

Revenue forecasting is the cornerstone of any budgeting process. These projections should be made based on historical data, market trends, and other reasonable assumptions that can be made on the future performance of the company, including the results that can be expected from different pricing models and digital marketing strategies.

Complete expense estimations

List all possible costs, both direct and indirect. This includes the cost of goods sold, salaries, advertising, and any other expenses incurred in running the business online, like managing social media accounts and other online marketing strategies.

Contingency planning

A contingency should also be provided for emergencies or any other expenses that may arise. This buffer also shields your company from financial risks and provides stability, especially in the turbulent world of digital marketing and search engines.

Regular monitoring and review

Develop a mechanism to monitor and evaluate the budget on a periodic basis. This way, deviations from the planned to actual performance can be noticed and fixed, particularly in relation to the efficiency of marketing tools and campaigns provided by a full-service marketing agency.


A good budget is one that is not rigid and can be easily adjusted to the changes that occur in the business environment. Make room for real-time alterations in case of changes in the trends in paid search or changes in the ranking of organic search results.

Stakeholder involvement

Involve stakeholders in the budgeting process. This guarantees that the budget aligns with the needs of various departments and fosters ownership and commitment, particularly from the teams that work on digital marketing and social media management.

Use of technology

Use the available budgeting software and financial management tools to make budgeting easier. These tools can help improve accuracy, enable monitoring in real time, and simplify some of the otherwise cumbersome calculations, especially in analyzing the performance of different digital marketing tools and strategies.

Clear and transparent communication

Ensure that the budget is adequately communicated to all stakeholders involved. It is equally important that everyone understands their roles and the financial limitations that apply to them, particularly those in charge of the business’ online operations and relations with search engines.

Performance metrics

Set up some benchmarks to use in evaluating the performance of the budgeting process. Such metrics allow for determining the extent to which the budget helps to achieve the company’s objectives and identify its strengths and weaknesses, including the effectiveness of digital marketing and social media management.

5 Steps to Creating an Effective Digital Marketing Budget

If you decide to grapple with the creation of the budget on your own, you should know the essential steps of budgeting:

  • Audience research
  • Identifying sales funnel and current performance
  • Determining goals
  • Choosing the marketing channels
  • Analytics and cost monitoring

Do your target audience research

You may already have a piece of research that helps you with content marketing, social media marketing, and paid advertising. However, you need thorough research when it comes to technical tasks and marketing budgeting.

Remember the statistics earlier in our guide? Why do you think 90% of content gets 0 Google traffic? As a digital marketing agency, we’ve seen this a lot. Some businesses just shoot in the dark and get lucky if they hit anything. However, this approach is not effective or cost-efficient.

We recommend working with a digital marketing agency to learn more about your audience or conducting research yourself:

  • Create surveys
  • Work with focus groups
  • Analyze your content marketing performance
  • Research your audience’s activities
  • Research your competitors

Identify your sales funnel and assess your current marketing performance

A sales funnel is a model that outlines the process a prospect goes through before buying a product from you. It is important to know and define your sales funnel in order to improve your marketing strategies and conversion rates.

Try answering these questions to identify your sales funnel:

  • How did my potential customers first hear about my brand? (channel, type of content)
  • What measurements am I using to determine the success of my campaigns?
  • What type of content captures my audience’s attention better?
  • How long do visitors stay on my website?
  • What does my target audience need to make a decision? (product comparisons, case studies)
  • What content are my visitors returning to?
  • How do I determine whether my potential consumers have a desire to purchase my product?
  • What is the conversion rate from intent to purchase?

There’s more to dig into, but these questions will speed you through the 6-step customer journey that is essential to identify your sales funnel. These questions and answers will also help you understand how your marketing efforts are performing.

Define your goals

Define the marketing goals clearly. These may vary from increasing website traffic to getting new contacts and selling more products. Ensure that all these goals are compatible with the other goals that you have set for the business. Identifying the objectives will assist you in focusing on your expenditures and guarantee that the budget is in line with your strategic plans.

Choose the marketing channels you’ll use

Marketing channels are essential to planning your content marketing and your budget and delegating your team’s tasks. Channels highly affect your campaign and strategy costs since different channels require different budget allocations.

  • Content marketing: Blog posts, infographics, and such content are great for digital marketing. They are also usually low-cost elements
  • Social media marketing: Social media varies from low to medium cost, but it’s a wonderful place where you can reach your audience directly
  • Email marketing: It’s one of the most “budget-friendly” channels that can help you nurture leads and engage with the audience
  • Website: The website is a pricier channel but a “business card” of the digital world. You can include other types of channels and content on the website and deliver your business to your existing and potential customers
  • Search engine optimization: Pricy but effective marketing tool that enhances your business visibility and increases your website traffic, brand awareness, and credibility

Leave the room for analytics tools

We recommend adding the monitoring costs to your budget. You can’t leave out analytical tools from this equation. Analyzing your marketing strategy performance can help you receive reports that validate your marketing efforts and measure the effectiveness of your campaigns.

Benefits of Working With Digital Marketing Agencies

Planning a budget for your marketing strategy can be challenging. It’s a complex task and requires attention from professional digital marketing services. Unpredictable costs, improper measurement of ROI, and misalignment of budget and business goals are just the tip of the iceberg.

Working with a digital marketing agency can help you avoid all these pitfalls along the way. Here are some of the most significant benefits of working with digital marketing agencies:

  • Digital marketing agencies have experience and expertise across various industries
  • Professional digital marketing services include access to advanced tools and technologies
  • A marketing agency will be able to create a comprehensive strategy development for your business
  • They offer cost-effective marketing services
  • Their services include scalability and flexibility
  • You will have access to improved budget tracking and reporting
  • You’ll be able to focus on your core business activities

How Can Glorium Marketing Help You?

Digital marketing is a highly competitive channel that requires experience and expertise to navigate through. We have spent more than a decade helping our clients succeed in the competitive dynamics, helping them grow awareness, ROI, traffic, and conversions.

We can do this for you as well. We have comfortable pricing models that you can explore. However, if you can’t find a suitable package, you can contact us, and our experts will suggest a customized plan for you.

Our marketing agency for startups is ready to craft a roadmap to success.