Healthcare Software Marketing

[Infographic] Healthcare Software Marketing or How to Grow Your SaaS for Hospitals, Clinics, and Medical Practices

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Healthcare Software Marketing

Healthcare is one of the most dynamic and complex industries in the world. In particular, healthcare software marketing faces constant challenges such as rising costs, regulatory changes, growing patient expectations, and meeting technological innovations. To succeed in this competitive and demanding environment, healthcare providers must adopt cutting-edge solutions to enhance operational efficiency, elevate patient care, and reduce expenses. This is where healthcare SaaS comes into play. According to Grand View Research, the global healthcare SaaS market was valued at USD 32.62 billion in 2022, with an expected compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 18.5% from 2022 to 2030.

However, healthcare software marketing in this industry has become increasingly challenging and competitive.  It requires an in-depth understanding of the target market, the specific pain points and needs of healthcare professionals, and finding the unique value proposition of the software. Effective marketing entails crafting a compelling message, developing a clear positioning strategy, constructing a sales funnel that guides potential customers from awareness to purchase, designing a user-friendly and informative website, leveraging various digital channels for promotion, measuring results, and optimizing campaigns.

In this article, we will provide an infographic that sums up the best practices and tips for marketing healthcare software solutions, explaining each aspect in detail. While these practices are tailored specifically for healthcare SaaS marketing, some points may apply to any SaaS business. We have intentionally omitted obvious marketing points to provide a simplified yet comprehensive overview. Visualization of this healthcare software marketing strategy will equip you with the knowledge to make informed decisions and drive your startup’s growth. Let’s begin!

Healthcare Software Marketing Base — Positioning

Healthcare Software Marketing Positioning

Market positioning is essential for any healthcare SaaS startup. It involves establishing and communicating the unique value proposition of the software to set it apart from competitors and appeal to the target audience. When you have a clear understanding of your target audience and your ideal customer profile, you should take into account several important points to position your healthcare SaaS product:

Demand – Proposition

To effectively position your healthcare software in the market, it is crucial to identify the specific needs and demands within the industry that your product addresses. Since you’ll likely be entering an existing market, understanding the key demand for your proposal is important. Clearly articulate the value proposition of your SaaS product by emphasizing how it fulfills those needs and provides unique advantages compared to existing solutions.

Problem – Solution

Highlight the specific problem or challenge your healthcare SaaS product solves. Name the pain points and inefficiencies that healthcare providers face daily. Then, focus on how your software streamlines processes, improves efficiency, enhances patient care, reduces costs, or provides unique functionalities that solve problems in the healthcare sector.

Question – Answer

Understand the common questions and concerns that potential customers may have regarding your healthcare SaaS product. Respond to these inquiries directly in your marketing materials, website, and sales pitches. Provide clear and concise answers that highlight the software’s benefits and advantages. This could involve discussing data security and compliance, integration with existing systems, user-friendliness, available training and support options, or scalability for future growth.

Google Query – Optimized Content

Optimizing the content on your website and marketing materials to effectively reach potential customers and align with relevant Google queries is essential. Conduct thorough keyword research to identify the specific search terms and phrases that potential customers commonly utilize when searching for your healthcare software solution. From the list of identified keywords, prioritize 1-3 primary ones that are most crucial to your product. Develop dedicated landing pages based on these primary keywords. Additionally, create informative blog content to cater to less important non-commercial queries. You can improve your website’s search engine ranking by implementing effective SEO techniques and increasing organic traffic.

Sales Funnel

Healthcare Software Marketing Sales Funnel

The sales funnel visually represents the customer journey from the initial awareness stage to becoming a loyal user of your product. In building your healthcare software marketing, the sales funnel consists of several key steps. You should guide potential customers from being in the broader audience to becoming brand ambassadors. Here are the steps to consider:

1. Issue Awareness

At the top of the funnel, the goal is to create awareness of the specific issues and challenges that your healthcare SaaS product addresses. This involves targeted marketing efforts to educate the broad audience about the pain points and inefficiencies in healthcare operations, such as manual record-keeping, disjointed communication, or data security concerns. Use various channels, such as content marketing, social media, webinars, and industry events, to generate awareness and capture the attention of potential customers.

2. Solution Discovery

Once the audience understands the issues, the next step is to introduce specific technologies (your healthcare SaaS product) as a possible solution. Highlight the key benefits, unique features, and advantages of your software. At this stage, you may use branded educational content, such as whitepapers, case studies, and demo videos, to showcase how your SaaS product can address the target audience’s particular pain points.

Remember that this particular target audience does not have immediate purchasing intent; their primary objective is gathering information.

3. Shortlisting

As potential customers explore the solution market, they will evaluate the available options. During this process, they will compile a list of potential providers, including your competitors. Your primary objective is to ensure you are also on that list.

Once the selection process commences among the chosen providers, it is crucial to distinguish yourself and convincingly demonstrate that your product is the best fit, even before they approach you or request a demo. Provide opportunities for free trials, interactive demos, and comprehensive, accurate descriptions of your SaaS to enable potential customers to gain firsthand experience with the software.

Additionally, offer personalized consultations and exceptional customer support to address any inquiries or concerns your users may have. Stand out among the competition by showcasing the unique features of your product, competitive pricing, and positive user testimonials.

4. Subscription

This is the crucial stage of your healthcare software marketing funnel — securing a deal and converting leads into paying subscribers. Offer transparent pricing plans that encompass the essential features your prospects require, along with flexible subscription models and incentives to encourage sign-ups. Streamline the onboarding process to guarantee a seamless transition for new users. Additionally, provide comprehensive training materials, tutorials, and continuous support to assist them in getting started and maximizing the benefits of your healthcare SaaS product.

5. Consumption

After conversion, you’d want to maximize customer satisfaction and product usage. Encourage customers to fully explore and utilize all the features and functionalities of your healthcare SaaS product. To keep them engaged, educate them about the product’s capabilities and provide regular updates about new feature releases and upgrades. Offer ongoing customer support and promptly address any issues or questions that arise. This stage is crucial for customer retention and pursuing upselling opportunities. The more customers understand and use your software, the more challenging it will be for them to switch to an alternative solution in the future.

6. Brand Ambassadors

Happy and satisfied customers can become valuable brand ambassadors for your healthcare SaaS product. Encourage them to share their positive experiences and success stories through testimonials, case studies, or referrals. Implement a customer advocacy program that rewards and recognizes loyal customers who actively promote your product. Leverage their influence to expand your reach and attract new potential customers.


Healthcare Software Marketing - Website

This topic is covered extensively in the article SaaS Landing Page Structure Best Practices, so we will only briefly touch on it here.

When developing a website for your healthcare SaaS product, it’s important to include the following elements:

  • 1. Basics:
    • Craft a compelling headline. Use the main phrase or keywords your target audience commonly searches for. Incorporate captivating visuals that complement the headline and supporting text, such as SaaS screenshots or healthcare-related imagery. Provide a subheading that clarifies the main purpose of your healthcare SaaS product, reinforcing its value to the audience.
    • Highlight the key benefits that your software offers. Emphasize how it effectively addresses the pain points of your target audience, starting with the most significant one that your software was specifically designed to solve.
    • Present the essential features and functionalities of your healthcare SaaS product. Clearly outline how it addresses the pain points of healthcare professionals and improves their workflow.
    • Showcase the unique advantages and differentiators of your healthcare SaaS product. Highlight what differentiates it from competitors and why potential customers should choose your solution.
    • Place a clear and compelling call to action on your website, guiding visitors to take the desired action. This may be signing up for a free trial, requesting a demo, or contacting your sales team.
  • 2. Product Visualization:
    • Include relevant screenshots of your healthcare SaaS product’s user interface. Show all meaningful sections, key functionalities, and visualize its capabilities.
    • Create animated GIFs or short videos that showcase the user experience of your healthcare SaaS product. Highlight key features and demonstrate how they work.
    • Create an informative and engaging intro video that overviews your healthcare SaaS. Clearly explain its value proposition, demonstrate its usage, and highlight its benefits.
  • 3. Trust Elements:
    • Display the logos or names of reputable healthcare organizations using (or have used) your SaaS product. This establishes credibility by demonstrating that industry leaders trust your solution.
    • Include testimonials from satisfied customers who have benefited from your healthcare SaaS product. Testimonials add social proof and build trust by sharing positive experiences.
    • Provide clear and visible contact information, including a physical address, phone number, and email address. This assures potential customers that they can contact you directly for support or further inquiries.

By incorporating these elements into your healthcare SaaS website, you can effectively communicate your product’s purpose, benefits, features, and advantages. The key is to demonstrate the product’s functionality and build trust through sharing user testimonials and contact information.

Digital Marketing Channels

Healthcare Software Marketing - Digital Marketing Channels

Digital channels are essential for healthcare SaaS marketing to reach the target audience, generate leads, and build brand awareness. However, not all channels are equally effective or suitable for every business. Here we will briefly overview some of the most common digital marketing channels for healthcare SaaS and discuss ways to use them.

For a more detailed and visual guide, check out our article with the infographic “Digital Marketing Channels for B2B Startups: Lead Generation VS Brand Awareness”.


On-page SEO involves optimizing your existing pages and creating new landing pages according to your keyword strategy. You must ensure your pages are relevant, informative, and user-friendly for your potential customers and search engines. Also, you should consider expanding your semantic range, implementing Google Structured Data for rich snippets, and building backlinks from authoritative sources. This can help you rank higher for more keywords and increase your organic traffic and visibility.


Paid traffic is utilized in healthcare SaaS marketing activities to achieve quick results. This channel lets you bid on keywords, display your ads on Google Search results and Bing, and remarket to the site visitors. Automation tools can optimize your bids, budgets, and targeting.

Content Marketing

Content marketing is the process of creating and distributing valuable content that satisfies the informational needs of your target audience. You can use different types of content, such as blog posts, ebooks, webinars, podcasts, videos, etc., to educate, entertain, and engage your prospects and customers.

Review Platforms

This channel is an excellent method to expose your healthcare SaaS company to a vast audience. You can list your product on popular review platforms like G2 Crowd, Capterra, and Software Advice. Ensure your software is placed in the appropriate category for relevant exposure.

Email Marketing

Newsletters are great to stay in touch with your existing customers and prospects. You can send out regular email newsletters with updates about your product, new features, and special offers. Don’t forget about bulk email campaigns — use them for quick growth. Keep your email marketing simple and non-aggressive to nurture the relationship with your subscriber database.


Social media marketing enables you to connect with your target audience personally. You can share your content on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook platforms. Providing regular updates and actively monitoring internal messages and comments is essential. Additionally, running social media ads can help you reach a wider audience. However, it’s important to note that SMM campaigns focus on brand awareness rather than high lead generation output in healthcare software marketing strategies.


Healthcare Software Marketing Analytics

There are many ways to measure the success of healthcare SaaS marketing. The specific metrics that you track will depend on your goals and your website. By tracking your chosen metrics, you can better understand how your marketing is performing and make necessary adjustments to improve your results. Here are some important metrics to consider:

Conversions Tracking

Keep tabs on how many visitors are taking desired actions on your website, such as signing up for trials or requesting demos. Google Analytics can help you track specific page visits or events such as conversions, purchases, or interest.

Traffic by Channels

Essentially, this forms the core of your healthcare SaaS marketing analytics. This metric lets you understand where your website visitors originate, whether through organic search, referrals, or paid advertising. This way, you can identify the most effective marketing channels for driving traffic and generating leads.

SERP Ranking

Monitor how well your website ranks for relevant keywords in search engine results pages (SERPs). A high SERP ranking increases the visibility of your website to potential customers. Tools like Google Search Console and Ahrefs can assist you in tracking your SERP ranking.

Session Recordings

Healthcare SaaS marketers often overlook the importance of this metric, but it can provide valuable insights. By watching recordings of visitors on your website, you can better understand how they interact with your site and identify potential drop-off points. Tools such as MS Clarity, Hotjar, or MouseFlow offer session recording features that can assist in this analysis.

Heat Maps

Visualize where visitors hover and click on your website to understand which content is most engaging. Hotjar, or MouseFlow, offers heat map creation along with other features.


Healthcare SaaS marketing is a complex and challenging process, but it can be done successfully by following the best practices and tips outlined in this infographic.

First, you need to understand your target audience and develop a marketing message that resonates with them.

The next step is to create a clear positioning for your product or service. What makes your product or service unique? How does it solve the problems of your target audience? Once you have a clear positioning, you can develop a marketing funnel that leads potential customers from awareness to purchase.

Your website is an essential component of your healthcare software marketing strategy. It should be informative, user-friendly, and effectively highlight the advantages of your service. Promote your website through various digital marketing channels such as SEO, PPC advertising, email marketing, and more.

Finally, you need to measure your success, track your marketing campaign’s performance, and identify what’s working and what’s not. Make adjustments to your campaigns as needed to improve your results.

By following these best practices, you can successfully market your healthcare SaaS solution and achieve your business goals.

For more information and guidance on healthcare SaaS marketing, contact us today. We are experts in this field and can help you grow your healthcare SaaS business.

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Healthcare Software Marketing

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    AboutOleh Puhach
    Head of Growth Marketing