SaaS Content Marketing Agency for Startups

Find your tone of voice, tell stories, and connect with your audience with our professional SaaS content marketing services
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content content

Effective content marketing does more than drive traffic; it grows your business. We can help you create a high-quality content marketing strategy that captures your audience’s attention and directs it to your business

Get noticed and tell your audience your story – loud and clear

Benefits of Content Marketing for Startups

Explore why content marketing strategies are integral to every company's marketing journey
Content Marketing for Startups
Drives trust and brand loyalty
Crucial part of long-term SEO strategy
Serves as a core for the lead nurturing
Generates the most valuable leads

Our Approach to Your Content Marketing Strategy

Our professional team builds content strategies for SaaS companies that are loved by both audiences and search engines
We listen to you and carefully assess your business needs. We offer current content trends that will drive organic traffic and connect you with your target audience
No piece of content goes unexamined by our professional content managers and editors. Your content marketing strategy goes through a full-cycle process before you present it to the world
Our content gets the discoverability it deserves. Thanks to link building and technical SEO, search engines will find and recognize your content as high-quality and valuable

When to Start Content Marketing for Your Startup?

Strategy, SEO, PPC, Content, Email | Marketing Agency for Startups

The best time to start content marketing is always! We can help you get started on the content marketing strategy for the pre-launch phase, where you build anticipation, share teasers, and create buzz around your business.

Startup Marketing Services | Glorium Marketing

And we can provide continuous engagement with our content marketing services to help maintain your visibility even after the product launch. Consistent content marketing reinforces your brand’s presence and engages your target audience.

Content Marketing Timelines for Startups

To ensure successful content marketing results for startups, we usually strive to reach an optimal 3 – 6 month window. This timeframe enables the blog to accumulate visitors who eventually convert into customers.

A surefire sign of your strategy’s success is when comments and questions from real individuals begin appearing under your articles—signaling that both you and your brand have earned trust!

seo time

How We Engage Your Audience With SaaS Content Marketing

Here's what we do to make your audience drop everything and pay attention to you
Blog Articles
We help you build blogs that drive organic traffic and allow you to share your knowledge, industry insights, interviews, long reads, and other written content
Public Relations
Your content strategy needs news articles, press releases, Q&As, and other external content on popular media and platforms such as Forbes, Entrepreneur, and others to help build your brand position
Infographics and Slides
Our user-centric approach guarantees easily digestible and quick-to-share content like infographics, slides, and other visual elements complementing blog articles or social media marketing
Videos and Animations
Our team works hard to create engaging visual content elements such as explanatory and commercial videos, webinars, podcasts, and more. We also provide continuous support, SEO optimization, and more

Ready to Move Forward?

Schedule your free 30-minute consultation and describe your business, ideas, and plans to us. We can help you draft a content marketing strategy, give you an expert outlook, and estimate the project scope
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Frequently Asked Questions

How do you customize content marketing strategies for different SaaS companies?

It all begins with a free, 30-minute consultation at the first stage of our collaboration. We listen to you and understand your personal needs and challenges. It includes a thorough analysis of your business, target audience, your product, and its’ specific features and benefits.

We make sure to offer flexible and adaptable strategies in case you need to change something or if your business rapidly evolves.

What are the benefits of content marketing for my SaaS startup?

It can be challenging for startup or small business owners to establish their companies in the competitive market. That’s why content marketing is the first thing marketing agencies will offer you to do.

It increases brand awareness, drives organic traffic to your website, generates leads, and overall establishes authority and presence in your niche.

How do you measure the success of content marketing campaigns?

easuring the success of campaigns is essential to understand how the content is performing and if we need to adjust anything. We measure the success with various KPIs, such as website traffic, engagement metrics, lead generation, conversion rates, ROI, and others.

How long does it take to see results from content marketing?

Don’t think of content marketing as a one-time thing. It’s a long-term process that doesn’t stop until you want to close down your business. It usually takes up to 6-12 months to see significant and sustainable growth.

However, the timeline may vary depending on various factors, like market competitiveness, the quality and consistency of your content, and overall strategy.

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    A Comprehensive Pocket Guide to SaaS Content Marketing

    Did you know that 67.1% of the world’s population uses the Internet daily? This means that almost 5.5 billion people scroll through their smartphones, browse platforms through desktops, and interact with social media daily. We live in an information overload era where countless companies compete for audiences’ attention to promote and sell their products.

    Digital marketing professionals know that features don’t sell the product – storytelling does. Storytelling, compelling visuals, and easy-to-digest elements grab your audiences’ attention. There’s also technical SEO, content production, content distribution, and many other elements that finalize your marketing efforts.

    So join us in this guide to content marketing to learn and understand why it’s essential, how to do it, and what to expect from your content strategy.

    What is Content Marketing

    Content can mean many things to many people. Generally, it’s described as a marketing umbrella term referring to any form of information (pictures, infographics, videos, social media posts, etc.).

    Content marketing refers to content creation and distribution to existing and potential customers. It conveys technical SEO and persuasive elements that capture the attention, deliver valuable information, and nurture customer relationships.

    Content marketing can look like informative and search-engine-optimized blog creation that delivers regular (weekly/monthly) articles; It can look like social media campaigns created around a holiday, like a YouTube series around an industry-specific subject, and more.

    Forms of SaaS content marketing you should use

    Whether you’re working with SaaS content marketing agencies or creating your own content strategy, you’ll need to include these forms of content in your strategic content marketing:

    Blog creation
    You will likely be familiar with blogs because most SaaS businesses have informative and SEO content creation strategies, which are best delivered through blog posting.

    Articles on blogs help SaaS businesses stand out, deliver insightful information, build brand authority, and adhere to search engine requirements. This means more visibility, authority, and trust. Not to mention that blog creation is the most popular and least expensive form of content marketing.

    The Etsy blog is one of the most outstanding examples of successful and informative blogs. Etsy, as you may know, is a popular e-commerce company that allows creators to upload and sell handmade items and craft supplies. They also have a helpful blog where they regularly post articles for sellers to improve their shops and for website visitors to choose the best gifts, crafts, and more—helping both audiences.

    We also have a blog at Glorium Marketing, where we upload articles to guide our website visitors and help them make decisions. We’d say it’s even a necessary feature for a SaaS content marketing agency.

    Video creation
    Humans are visual creatures, and it only takes 13 milliseconds for our eyes to capture and transmit the images to our brains. Research shows that the human brain processes images and other visual content 60,000 times faster than text. This information makes video and image content creation an essential form of SaaS content marketing.

    Short-form explanatory videos are some of the most popular content types on the market. That’s why “Kurzgesagt—In a Nutshell” is a popular YouTube channel with over 22 million subscribers and 2.3 million monthly views.

    As a SaaS content marketing agency, we create explanatory videos as guides for our services and help our clients create videos for their own content strategies.

    Social media marketing
    Social media marketing is an exceptional form of SaaS content marketing since it allows immediate and easy sharing and content distribution. Additionally, it allows you to use various forms of content, like blog posts, videos, infographics, carousels, question polls, and more.

    Social media is beneficial for growing brand awareness and connecting with your audience directly. The website seems like an official place to visit and learn about the company, while social media, on the other hand, is a more relaxed place where customers feel free to interact with your content.

    GoPro’s Instagram account leverages visual elements and the nature of its product perfectly and creates highly shareable content. The right content marketing agency can help you do the same with your product.

    Infographics and Ebooks
    Infographics often convey statistical and technical information that might be “boring” to read unless it is complemented with appealing visual elements. Infographics are great for company quarter reviews, market reviews, etc. Often, B2B and SaaS companies use infographics to convey important information in an appealing way.

    As for the Ebooks – they’re fantastic lead magnets. Ebooks are popular B2B content forms that some brands use to educate their readers, promote their services indirectly, grow their email lists, etc.

    A professional SaaS content marketing agency can help you draft a structure for your Ebook and advise you in other forms of content creation to grow your audience and receive organic traffic.

    Other forms of content creation for SaaS businesses
    SaaS content strategy may include social media, technical SEO, link building, infographic creation, video creation, and other forms of content marketing, but that’s not all!

    SaaS marketing doesn’t stop after keyword research, content writing, and video content creation. It continues by adding these online marketing options to improve and enhance your SaaS business visibility:

    • Email marketing: Email marketing is a form of content writing that acts as a first-touch introduction, follow-up communication method, educational method, and more
    • Live video creation: Influencer marketing leverages this trend a lot, and so can you. Going live on a social media platform can help you tune in and engage with your audience directly!
    • Quizzes, games, forms: These content types are engaging and drive attention. They’re also highly shareable, giving your SaaS business a chance to go viral
    • Courses, webinars, training: These content marketing forms are especially beneficial for B2B SaaS companies. They can help you build trust within your audience, network with industry leaders, gather SaaS clients, and nurture leads

    Your goal should be to create and distribute an effective content strategy across various channels. To achieve the desired results, you will need more than one channel. We advise working with an experienced SaaS marketing agency to achieve maximum results.

    Why Companies Start SaaS Content Marketing: Benefits and Advantages

    84% of B2B SaaS companies report increased brand awareness after a successful content strategy. According to Forbes, 76% of SaaS companies generate more leads through content strategy, and 58% grow overall revenue.

    Content marketing is a proven method of bringing engagement and competitive advantage for many SaaS companies. When done right, and with the help of a professional SaaS content marketing agency, your content strategy can benefit your business in many ways.

    Content production increases your brand visibility and awareness

    Content development is a powerful tool in helping SaaS companies build a favorable presence on the Web. Through daily or weekly blog posts and articles, videos, and social media updates, they stay connected with the clients and garner interest from potential customers.

    SaaS marketing can help with lead generation and conversion

    The content that is generally written and produced should be of high quality in order to create awareness and build leads. What this approach allows SaaS companies to do, is engage potential customers with helpful information and alleviate certain pain points.

    Once this connection is made, the customers can be guided through the rest of the buyer’s journey and finally become actual users of the service. Another approach involves providing downloadable materials such as eBooks, whitepapers, and case studies in exchange for contact information as an effective way of generating leads.

    SaaS marketing strategy helps you educate and retain customers

    A significant advantage of SaaS marketing is that it caters to the needs of the client by enlightening them about the product based on its features, uses, and how it should be utilized. It can also be used in customer acquisition, which improves the user’s experience and, hence, increases customer loyalty. Sharing fresh features, tips, and use cases also creates awareness and upgrades users’ knowledge, thus minimizing customer churn.

    SaaS Companies That Benefit From Content Marketing

    The best way to understand the benefits of creating a strategy or working with a SaaS content marketing agency is to explore examples of successful content production and distribution.

    Some of the best SaaS content marketing strategies include:

    • Slack’s content marketing: Slack is notorious for experimenting with various types of content, observing how its audience responds to changes and more. Slack has used content marketing to establish itself as a thought leader in the workplace market. Explore their “State of Work” annual report to understand how Slack uses a data-driven approach and expert insight sharing to attract and retain customers
    • Salesforce’s content marketing: Salesforce leverages all forms of content to produce educational and engaging content. Explore their three-month content campaign that includes storytelling, making experts call their strategy magical  

    How Does SaaS Content Marketing Work: Each Stage of Sales Cycle

    We already know that SaaS content marketing delivers compelling content to your audience and drives traffic, leads, and growth toward you. When working with SaaS content marketing agencies, you’ll notice that we break down content marketing processes according to sales stages.

    Each stage of the sales cycle in SaaS companies requires customized content creation to meet the specific needs of the potential customers.

    As a SaaS content marketing agency, we break down 5 main stages:

    Awareness stage

    This is the first stage, where your potential customer understands that they have a challenge or an issue that needs to be solved. Your goal is to attract their attention and produce relatable content that will establish you as a trusted source of solutions.

    You can do this with:

    Educational blog posts and articles

    • Social media content
    • SEO optimization
    • Ebooks

    Consideration stage

    Next, your audience will consider different solutions to their challenges and opportunities. The market is filled with competitors and alternative solutions, so your goal is to highlight the benefits of your SaaS product.

    You can do this with:

    • Ebooks and whitepapers
    • Case studies
    • Webinars and videos

    Decision stage

    This is an essential stage when a final decision is made by your potential customer. At this point, you or your content marketing agency will work hard to persuade and convince your audience that your product is the best choice.

    You can do this with:

    • Product demos
    • Comparison tables and guides
    • Free trials
    • Discounts and seasonal offers

    Retention stage

    Find a content marketing agency that doesn’t leave you alone during the retention stage. Yes, your customer already purchased the product, but now it’s time to nurture a long-term customer relationship.

    You can do this with:

    • Onboarding guides
    • Tutorials
    • Customer success stories
    • Questionnaires

    Advocacy stage

    This is the final stage, where you’ll see how much a satisfied customer can appreciate your product and become an advocate for your SaaS company.

    You can help your customer promote your business with:

    • Referral programs
    • User-generated content
    • Community engagement

    Get Started with Content Marketing for Your SaaS Business

    It’s time for you to explore a step-by-step process of promoting your SaaS company on your own or with the help of a content marketing agency.

    Understand your audience

    The success of your content production can be determined by how well you research the needs and preferences of your audience.

    Remember, professional SaaS content marketing agencies don’t start content writing without analyzing your target audience, outlining the demographics, their pain points, behavior patterns, and more.

    Use market research, customer surveys, and analytical tools to learn more about your audience and gather insights. This information can help you create relatable content and distribute it where your audience hangs out.

    Choose the right content format

    Content comes in many forms, and you need to choose the format that your audience will love. Audience research comes in handy at this stage since, by analyzing their demographics, you can decide whether to create short-form videos or long-form Ebooks.

    According to Hubspot Content Trends Survey, millennials don’t care about branded emails; Gen Z doesn’t like downloading and reading content in PDF format, and most generations prefer watching videos.

    Use this and more information to assess what your audience wants to see and deliver it.

    Choose effective content distribution channels

    You’re still halfway there. Now, you need to choose the appropriate distribution channels. Audience research comes in handy at this stage as well.

    For example, according to Entrepreneur, millennials prefer customization and personalization. They mostly hang out on social media platforms but aren’t loyal to any particular channel. Baby Boomers and Gen X are less tech-savvy and generally more skeptical towards marketing messages, so they prefer more authoritative channels and platforms where they can personally connect with your business.

    We’re only discussing age and generation, but you can use other metrics to determine the most suitable content distribution channels for your SaaS business.

    Develop a content schedule

    Consistency and regular presence is the key to successful content production. Developing a content calendar can ensure a steady flow of content. Professional SaaS marketing services can help you develop the calendar and keep your audience engaged by:

    • Identifying key themes and topics
    • Setting publishing frequencies
    • Assigning responsibilities to team members
    • Tracking important dates

    Follow the best industry practices

    As we already mentioned, content marketing isn’t new. It’s been tested and experimented with, and today, professional content marketing agencies and marketers know what delivers the best results:

    • Quality over quantity
    • SEO optimization
    • Engaging headlines and intros
    • Clear and concise writing
    • Visual elements
    • Analytics and feedback

    We know this sounds like a lot, but choosing the best SaaS content marketing agency for you can help with task delegation and improve overall workflow.

    Experiment with your content

    Information is a perishable product, especially today, when technologies, digital practices, and well-known strategies can quickly become obsolete or just be unable to serve your business.

    That’s why we recommend experimenting with your content. Try A/B testing and comparing different versions of your website copy or email sequences.

    Experiment with new content formats and channels to see which one works better and if you made mistakes in audience research. Analyze your content performance and adapt to the results.

    Build Your SaaS Content Marketing Strategy with Glorium Marketing

    Over a decade ago, we started building software solutions for our SaaS clients. With the experience we gained after advertising our services and software solutions, reaching new audiences, and building transparent and trustworthy relationships, we decided to help other SaaS companies achieve the same results.

    Our team consists of experts in growth marketing, PR, copywriting, content production, and analytics. They have industry-specific knowledge and expertise, which we can use to grow your business.

    Wondering what we do to help our clients boost their online presence?

    Explore one of our favorite case studies, “Growing a Healthcare SaaS: Boosting Online Presence and Lead Generation.” We helped our client grow their medical billing software business, even after months and months of trying and not being able to achieve the desired results.

    After researching the audience, drafting a content strategy, including SEO, and focusing on engaging the audience, we achieved the following:

    • Up to 10 inbound leads generated weekly
    • 4X website traffic increasing
    • Top 3 in Google for most commercial keywords (in 5 months)

    And more.

    If you want to receive similar results, contact us today and talk to our experts. They will listen to your idea and offer you an approximate scope and deadlines for your project.

    Our marketing agency for startups is ready to craft a roadmap to success.